I just got back from getting the last in a long series of shots I needed to be in the OTA program. All said and done I have had one shot in each shoulder, one shot in each forearm, and blood drawn once.
In the midst of all this my dermatologist drew blood... again... for no apparent reason but charged me $70 dollars for it. They left me with a bruised up arm too. Shortly after that I donated blood. I had the satisfaction of getting a sympathetic gasp from the person prepping me when she saw the bruises. Then, when she had me all ready to donate, she goes to put the needle in my arm and completely misses the vein. She dug around until she found it. That one hurt way worse that the one I got the bruises from and I didn't even get a bruise from it. The woman who had put the needle in was arguing with her coworkers the whole time and ended up scolding me for not calling in about the fact I had been to Mexico, thus wasting her time since she had to check and see if I could still donate. I thought it was unprofessional especially seeing that they had called me to ask if I could donate. I thought I was doing them a favor! Oh well. Anyway thank goodness I'm not afraid of needles.
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