Monday, October 15, 2012

Tough Mudder!!!

     The Tough Mudder was sooooooo much fun!  Definitely worth it.  It was really cool how all the guys hung back to make sure the girls did ok even though they probably would have had a ton more fun if they would have just left us.
     Our team colors were pink and black.  This was my first race ever so I had to buy all new clothes for it anyway so I was all pink and black.  Adam Adrian went all out.  Landon's outfit was hilarious!  He had on a 'Minni Mouse' T-shirt that was a little too small and long pink socks.  All the girls had on pink and black.  Some of the other guys had on pink head bands or pink cloth tied around their arms.
     This is an excellent example of how well our team did with helping each other:  There were four 12 foot walls we had to scale.  First, two guys from our group would climb to the top and straddle the wall facing each other.  While they did this a few guys climbed up and over the wall.  Allen Huber stood with his back against the wall and would hold his hands out for the girls to step in.  Another guy would be standing next to him for us to step on his shoulder.  Then the guys on top would grab our hands and hoist us up.  We would then turn around to get our feet on the other side of the wall and lower ourselves down to where we are hanging by our hands on the other side of the wall.  The guys who were on that side of the wall would then grab us and gently lower us to the ground.  They made it too easy but it was so much fun!
     The dumpsters full of ice water were one of the ones that made a lot of us nervous.  I chose not to think about it too much.  I jumped right in and I was surprised:  I didn't feel too cold at all!  I swim to the center where there is a board that you have to go under water to get under.  I go under and run into some larger ice chunks and I remember my thoughts at this point.  I was thinking, well that's ok, I don't need to come up for air for a while anyway.  Then I was like, what am I thinking?  So I swim up and wade to the other side and hesitate before climbing out.  Daniel Stoller had already made it across and started to help me out.  I wasn't in any hurry but he insisted so I let him pull me out.  It wasn't until the warm air hit me that I really felt weird.  My skin was all tight and felt strange.  I think I was a lot colder than I thought. 
     Ok, last story.  So there are these monkey bars.  Yeah the same basic idea of what you see at play grounds, except they are slanted slightly upward until about half way across where they start to slant back downward.  Anyway, I didn't even make it half way before I slipped.  If you slip you just fall into some water and have to swim across.  There are about five boards coming out of the water on the other side, lined up at a 45 degree angle to make a ladder to climb out on.  So I go to climb out but start to fall backwards and Landon reaches down and pulls me out.  There were a lot more times when we had to help each other out but I think I have written enough.
     After crossing the finish line we were completely covered in mud.  They had 'showers' set up: a bunch of dangling hoses over a concrete slab.  The line was long so they were trying to get people to wash quickly so most of us were still pretty muddy afterwards.  Some of us found a puddle of water so muddy you couldn't see your hand if you held it a few inches under the surface and washed off in that.  Believe it or not that made us cleaner than before.  Hey, you do what you have to.  We then went back to the cars and changed behind towels into clean dry clothes.  That was fun.  Blehhh!  Talk about out of my comfort zone...  Imagine stripping down to nothing in front of a bunch of boys.  Yeah you might be covered with a towel but it's like they are in the same room as you while you are changing!
     Anyway, in that state of hygiene, we went to Lambert's (the place where they throw the roles) to eat.  Then our car departed for home while the rest of them left to go to Taylor for showers and sleep.  I went with the group who left from Roanoke which consisted of Tim Schwind, Daniel Stoller, and Landon Isaia.  We had about a six hour drive home.  It was fun.  We listened to comedians and slept.  When we got to 'The Lodge' (the house that Tim, Landon, Steven Sauder, and Brett Hodel live in) it was somewhere around 10:40... I think.  I woke up as we pulled in.  I was so disoriented that I think I was stumbling around like I was drunk while I was moving my stuff into my car.  I pulled out on their rather long drive way and found it difficult to keep the car in a straight line.  Finally I woke up enough for the 1 hour drive home but it was a struggle.  When I was working on moving my stuff from Tim's car to my car, Tim offered to let me shower at the Lodge.  I thought it was kind of odd since I had only an hour of driving left but looking back I wonder if he was just worried about letting this girl, who couldn't even walk straight, drive.  Lol!  Tim was recently engaged to my good friend Brittany Martin.  He has impressed me with his character more than once.  I cannot help but smile every time I think about this couple.  God definitely brought these two people together. 

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