Thursday, January 24, 2013

Always Weighed Down

     Oh how I wish I could just walk away from all my responsibilities and just serve God.  We are told to "Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" but to take this literally would be frowned on in most situations.  I want to go to places where people need help.  I want to wake up early every morning and work from morning to evening doing the Lord's work.  But being one and a half years away from graduating college with a degree as an COTA, walking away would be considered stupid.  But when will we have time?  When will we be able to avoid obligations and just go?  People have spent their whole lives waiting for the right time.  When I graduate I am going to graduate with debt.  That means getting a good job and working for a year or so to pay it off if I am wise with my money.  Then what?  What about my career.  The longer you stay with a job, the more benefits you will usually get.  What if it seems like the smart thing to do is to keep working full-time?  And what if I get married by then?  Well that would ruin everything.  Submission is one of the main duties of a wife, right?  Well then I'll have no choice in the matter.  What if I married someone who didn't want to go out and serve?  Oh Lord, can't I go now?

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